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Which vehicles can be electrically powered? Where to commission the construction or how to build your own?

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular worldwide and in Poland. Due to the growing interest in zero emissions and low operating costs, people are increasingly interested in electric vehicles. Some decide to build their own electric vehicles. In today's post, you will learn about the different types of electric vehicles, how to build your own electric vehicle, and what is worth knowing about electric vehicles.


What vehicles can be electrically powered?

First, we will introduce you to the various types of electric vehicles available on the market. Starting with the smallest: there are electric scooters, electric bikes, and other single-person electric vehicles such as Segways or velomobiles. In larger sizes, there are quads, motorcycles, cars, and even electric boats. Each of these vehicles has its advantages and disadvantages, but for each of them, it is essentially possible to convert it into an electric vehicle. Moreover, there are conversion kits available on the market for converting mechanical vehicles into electric vehicles.


How to build an electric vehicle?

If you are thinking about building your own electric vehicle or conversion, there are certain things you need to know. First, you need to have basic knowledge of electronics and the operation of electric motors and the components of the entire drive and control system. You also need to know how to select the appropriate batteries and how to connect them. Fortunately, there are specialized services that offer help in building your own electric vehicle, and you can also find many guides on the Internet.


About electric bicycles - is an electric bicycle a mechanical vehicle?

Nowadays, electric bicycles are increasingly chosen over traditional bicycles. There are two types of electric bicycles available on the market - those with a throttle, called speed pedelecs (electric mopeds), and pedelec models with electric assistance. Is an electric bicycle a mechanical vehicle? It is worth knowing that a pedelec, despite having electric assistance, still needs to be powered by human muscle strength, so it is a mechanical vehicle. The answer to the questions of whether an electric scooter is a mechanical vehicle and whether an electric scooter is a mechanical vehicle is different. These vehicles are entirely electrically powered. It is worth noting that MIROMAX offers electric kits for pedelec bicycles ranging from 250W to 1500W, which can be powered entirely electrically without assistance.


Where to commission the construction of an electric vehicle?

If you want to build your own electric vehicle but do not have the time or skills to do it yourself, there are specialized companies that offer construction and conversion services for electric vehicles. You can also find many electric conversion kits that allow you to independently modify an existing mechanical vehicle into an electric vehicle.



Electric vehicles are already very popular worldwide, and they are becoming increasingly popular in Poland. In today's article, we described various types of electric vehicles, how to build your own electric vehicle, and what you need to know to do it. It turns out that there are many ways to access electric vehicles and to build them. It is a great way to enjoy the benefits that electric vehicles offer and at the same time to do something good for the environment.

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